211 Technology may ‘transform’ healthcare treatments


In the future, people may be able to do medical check-ups from home instead of going to the hospital.

Smartphones and even home appliances may also be used to manage chronic diseases like diabetes.

That’s the hope of some companies, which are looking at ways to harness the power of technology.

But can Asia, where the demand for healthcare is exploding, adapt to new and possibly expensive methods of treatment?

I ? Word Understanding
Chronic disease ? a long lasting disease
Harness ? to use (something)

II ? Have Your Say
Medical Technologies Revolutionizing Healthcare:
1. Mobile Health (mHealth) is the use of mobile phones to deliver health care and support wellness.
2. 3D printing is already in use in the medical device world (braces ; prosthetics; hearing aids). Next big news: Organ printing
3. Robotics ? Robots are here and more are coming!
? Robot Surgeons
? Nanorobots swimming through our bloodstream
? Service Robots

211 Technology may ‘transform’ healthcare treatments