217 Cellphone Radiation: 5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Your Phone’s Potentially Harmful Emissions


Out of the seven billion people in this world, approximately six billion are avid cellphone users.

Mobile phones have come a long way since their debut over 40 years ago ? they have become more than just a tool used to talk and text. Many folks strongly depend on their cellular phones, using it for scheduling, emailing, taking photos, getting directions, and a number of other uses.

And while cellphones have made life easier, they have also led to a number of potential health risks.
The National Cancer Institute worries that increased amounts of cellphone use may cause cancer or other health problems due to their radiofrequency emissions.

I ? Word Understanding
Approximately ? close to a value but not exactly
emission – something that is produced or given out

II ? Have Your Say
A. Simple ways to protect yourself from harmful (CP) emissions:
1. Text, don’t talk.
2. Step Away from the Phone
3. Get a Headset
4. Don’t Be a Chatty Cathy
5. When You Don’t Have a Signal, Don’t Use Your Phone
B. Latest news:
Atmospheric radiation levels in Tokyo are at the same level as before the
Fukushima nuclear accident three years ago and are below those in Paris and London.

217 Cellphone Radiation: 5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Your Phone’s Potentially Harmful Emissions