222 Robots will be smarter than us all by 2029, warns AI expert Ray Kurzweil


By 2029, computers will be able to understand our language, learn from experience and outsmart even the most intelligent humans, according to Google’s director of engineering Ray Kurzweil.

One of the world’s leading futurologists and artificial intelligence (AI) developers, 66-year-old Kurzweil has previous form in making accurate predictions about the way technology is heading.

In 1990 he said a computer would be capable of beating a chess champion by 1998 ? a feat managed by IBM’s Deep Blue, against Garry Kasparov, in 1997.

When the internet was still a tiny network used by a small collection of academics, Kurzweil anticipated it would soon make it possible to link up the whole world.

I ? Word Understanding
Outsmart ? to be more intelligent or clever
Academics ? a member of a learning institution / university teacher

II ? Have Your Say
1. Humans have different kinds of intelligence:
? Analytical or logical intelligenc
? Emotional intelligence
? Social intelligence
2. Robot trends:
? Nanorobots will cruise through the blood blood stream to detect or detect damaged tissues of our body
? Exoskeleton is a wearable robot that can enhance the wearer’s strength, mobility and endurance
? Budgee is a robot that follow you around and carries your staff

222 Robots will be smarter than us all by 2029, warns AI expert Ray Kurzweil