185 How safe is food served by pop-up street outlets?


Street food is increasingly popular across the UK with a boom in outlets and
festivals dedicated to the cuisine.

But how effectively is street food policed and is this sufficient to ensure
public safety?

The Street Spice event in Newcastle upon Tyne in March 2013 resulted in
more than 400 people reporting food poisoning, diarrhoea and vomiting as a
result of raw curry leaves contaminated in Pakistan.

Presenter Chris Jackson investigates the practices at two street festivals with
food scientist Jim Francis, to check their food hygiene standards.

I ? Word Understanding
Boom ? to grow or expand suddenly
Policed – to supervise and control
Contaminated ? unclean / infected by bacteria

II ? Have Your Say
1. Trying street foods in the Philippines is very fun, challenging and
saves some of your budget. Street foods are mostly spotted on
schools, bus or jeep terminals, church, and parks. Prices of these
street foods cannot go beyond 20 pesos or approximately 0.50 US
Do you have any favourite street foods?
2. Prior to festivals in Japan, stall operators undergo background check
to make sure they are not related or connected with Yakuza or any
other organized crime groups.

185 How safe is food served by pop-up street outlets?