047 Cinnamon Challenge: Doctors Warn Of Dangers


Doctors in America have warned that a cinnamon-eating craze popular with teenagers is potentially harmful. The “Cinnamon Challenge” involves trying to swallow one teaspoon of cinnamon without water, often while being filmed. Numerous videos of teenagers attempting the prank have been posted on YouTube.

But a report published in the May issue of the Pediatrics journal said 30 American youngsters had required medical treatment after ingesting the spice last year. Cinnamon, which is made from tree bark, is a caustic substance that can cause scarring in the lungs, the report said. Other symptoms can include choking, throat irritation, respiratory trouble and collapsed lungs.

There is no suggestion eating cinnamon in small quantities is harmful.

I – Word Understanding
Craze – something that is very popular
Prank – trick or joke
Ingest – to swallow
Caustic – able to harm or burn
Scarring – marking after being wounded

II – Have your say
1.Dejah Reed, 16, who spent four days in hospital after attempting the Cinnamon Challenge, said she had read about the challenge on Facebook and thought it would be “cool” to attempt it.
2.Cinnamon has healing powers! During the 1918 influenza outbreak, workers at cinnamon factories seemed immune to the Spanish flu which decimated the population.

047 Cinnamon Challenge: Doctors Warn Of Dangers