
講師登録日 2011年10月16日
名前 Angie
性別 Female
年齢 47 Years old
最終学歴 Mapua Institute of Technology, B.S. Chemical Engineering
Web camera
自己紹介(英文) Learning English is useful not only for academic study and career, but it lets you enjoy movies, songs in English and travel to other countries, as well. In addition it boosts your self confidence. If you wanna have that self confidence, look no further. I am here to help you. I am Teacher Angie. I have been teaching for more than 4 years now. I believe making your students enjoy what they are doing is the best way to learn. Thank you and hope to see you.
事務局コメント 講師Angieは、外国人に対する英語の指導経験が約4年あるベテラン講師です。オンライン英会話は初めてです。文法能力も高く、TOEFLの指導もできるパワフルなタイプの講師です。

  1. What should he do?
  2. What do you want to say?
  3. Do you agree or disagree?
  4. Do you believe?
  5. Talk about your priorities.
  6. What are their excuses?
  7. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages.
  8. What would you do?
  9. Make a choice and explain why.
  10. What do you think are the reasons?
  11. What would happen?
  12. It is getting serious....climate change
  13. Hypothetically speaking..
  14. Make your point
  15. It is all about being happy...
  16. Distractions in the wheel..
  17. Are you busy?
  18. Do you want to be a millionaire?
  19. Divorce rate and broken families are increasing..Why?
  20. Preserving culture despite the changing world.
  21. Alternative sources of energy.
  22. The pains of growing up - Teenage years
  23. Fashion - Designer Labels
  24. Teenage Crushes and Dating
  25. Choosing Friends
  26. Idols and Rockstars
  27. The Dangers of Smoking
  28. Globalization and English Conversation
  29. Are you an Animal Lover?
  30. City life vs Country life
Lesson evaluation

Teacher Date Lesson
Eager degree English
Angie 10/13/2013 Free best best best best better best Making reservation of her lesson is difficult. She is very popular and doesn’t have many lessons. I could take her lesson finally.
She provided me interesting topic. Her English skill seems very high level. I enjoyed her lesson. I hope she corrects my mistakes in the chat box more.
Angie 9/15/2013 Free best best best best best best
Angie 7/20/2013 Square-trial good bad better best bad bad I wanted to learn article lesson I/o free conversation.
Angie 5/1/2013 Square-trial best best best best best best とても英語のきれいな先生でした。スピードは速かったものの、よいヒアリングの練習になると思います。またぜひ受講したいです。
Angie 2/20/2013 Free best best best best best best This is our first lesson and I was suprised because she was a wonderful teacher. Her English pronunciation and speed is great. Also her attitude and the skill to make students speak a lot were so good as well. No wonder she is very populer.
Angie 11/2/2012 Free best best best best best best I think she is very good teacher.
Her explanation is very easy to understand.
I would like to take her lesson again.
Angie 9/9/2012 Free best best best best best best Since this was the first time I took her lesson, I could realize the reason she is very populer teacher.
Angie 8/21/2012 Free better better better good better better Her attitude for the lessons are always enegetic.I think she is not only a good speaker but also a good listener. And so, I can talk a lot without any hesitations.I'd like to take her lesson as much as possible and improve my speaking skill.
Angie 5/18/2012 Free best better best good better better 話すスピードが速いので、リスニングの強化ができそうです。話を引き出してくれるし、楽しいレッスンでした。人気講師で、レッスン数が少ないので、予約が取りにくいのが残念です。
Angie 4/29/2012 Free best best best best best best Although I was a little late for the starting time, Ms. Angie kindly gave me a very enjoyable lesson. I always look forward to having a lesson from her. Thank you very much.

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