
講師登録日 2010年01月13日
名前 Hermie
性別 Female
年齢 67 Years old
最終学歴 Masters in Elem Education 2000, University of Southeastern Philippines
Web camera
自己紹介(英文) Hi, my name is Hermie. I am an elementary teacher and I have been teaching for more than 20 years. I love sharing knowledge to my students so I hope you will have fun in our lesson. Aside from teaching, I also love cooking. I especially love sewing. I sew my own clothes and sometimes the clothes of my daughters. I assure you a quality lesson with me.
事務局コメント エレメンタリースクール、ハイスクールで20年以上英語を教えているベテランの英語教師です。バイタリティーがあり、おおらかで楽しい性格です。

  1. Benefits of learning English online
  2. What life-changing moments have you had in your life?
  3. What do you want your child to be?
  4. Extended family
  5. Top paying jobs
  6. Employment opportunities in Japan.
  7. Finding a job in another country.
  8. Beauty, Brains or Character
  9. If you will be young again , what would you like to be.
  10. Something you’ve never done, but would like to do.
  11. Is social life needed after office hours?
  12. Word of Honor
  13. Are you afraid to make mistakes?
  14. Each prefecture breeds a different personality type
  15. Violence in the media needs to be regulated.
  16. Japan’s political system.
  17. The aging population of Japan and it's effect to taxes.
  18. Alternative medicine .
  19. Medical Tourism and Organ Donation
  20. Accountability - who is to be blamed?
  21. Winning Attitudes for Success
  22. Japanese policies for Juvenile offenders
  23. In marriage, couples are partners in business and crimes
  24. Interracial marriages
  25. It is better to fall in love and lost than never to fall in
  26. Inheritance and children’s responsibility to parents
  27. What do you worry about? money, job, future, family
  28. Modern gadgets
  29. Social networking, dangerous or safe?
  30. How about if your good isn’t good enough?
Lesson evaluation

Teacher Date Lesson
Eager degree English
Hermie 3/31/2017 Free best good good No answer best best 明るい先生です。おしゃべり好きな方なので、こちらが英語が下手くそで会話に行き詰っても、次の話題をすぐふってくれます。
Hermie 3/10/2015 Free best best best good best best 気軽に英会話を練習できるのでよいです。
Hermie 1/7/2014 Free best better better worse good bad スキルはあるのだと思いますが、生徒より先生の方が話が長いと感じました。
Hermie 10/15/2013 Free best best best best best best 生徒に合わせたレッスンを考えてくれます。とても勉強になります!
Hermie 9/17/2013 Free best better better No answer better better She has many and various topics as she studies about Japan news and trend. Therefore I can easily talk about topic she provides.
Hermie 9/15/2013 Free best best better better best best She is my first teacher in this pinas square. When I took traial lesson, I felt her lesson was very interesting and decided to register here following her recommendation.
My one reason why I continue to join here is that I want to speak to her as one of her students and her friends.
Different from other teachers I have been tought before, She tought me the interest to communicate with others in English.
Hermie 8/12/2013 Free best best better better best best she is good teacher for me not only english but also knowledge the education for life.
Hermie 5/8/2013 Free good worse No answer worse worst worse 初めて受講してみましたが、講師側が8割近く話し続け、生徒側が話せるチャンスをほとんど与えてくれませんでした。リスニングだけをやりたい人なら良いかもしれません。また授業で扱う話題は講師側の興味ある話題のみで、こちらの希望は聞きもしませんでした。
Hermie 4/3/2013 Tutor-trial bad worse good good worst worst She doesn’t use the camera.also cut Internet Connect. We have to share text as an image of low resolution. It can’t read the characters. The lesson was hard.
Hermie 3/31/2013 Main good worst No answer No answer worst worse 音声も途切れがちで、カメラもありませんでしたが、もっと残念なのは、教え方でした。私は初心者ですぐに言葉は出てきません、それでも辛抱強く待って欲しいと思います。話そうとしてるのに、遮って自分の話をし続けたり、難しい単語ばかりを使って喋る。新しい単語を教えてくれるのは良いですが、先生自身の話の中に出てきた単語をタイプして説明されても、ふーん、、、という感じです。
Hermie 3/12/2013 Tutor-trial best best best best best best
Hermie 3/8/2013 Tutor-trial best best best best worst best 私は中学までしか行かなくて、基本文法もわからないのですが、とても粘り強く、丁寧に教えて下さいます。
Hermie 3/6/2013 Speech-trial best better better No answer best best The lesson was nice. We talked about the subject that I am interested in. It is a good opportunity for me to explain something that I like in English. The teacher asked various questions from her point of view and i believe these trial will help me to enhance my community skill in English.
Hermie 3/6/2013 Tutor-trial best best best best best best 他のオンラインレッスンも試しましたが、この先生は素晴らしいです。英語力を伸ばそうとしてくれる努力をしてくれます
Hermie 3/3/2013 Tutor-trial best best best best best best 安心しなさい、よくできましたという励ましの言葉を何度も会話に入れてくれるます。感動しました。iPhoneでレコーディングして復習しています。
Hermie 1/22/2013 Free best bad best best good bad I don't like personal question. And She gave me the other student's personal things. I am afraid that she gonna give my personal answerings to the other students.
Plus her topic was not good. For example, I don't wanna answer this question even if it is in Japanese "What if your mobile phone fell into the toilet?"
I am not angry at all but I wanna let her know that her job is not gathering student's information and spread it but teaching English.
Hermie 9/12/2012 Square-trial better bad No answer bad bad worse 発音に特徴があると思った

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