501 How to train your brain for high performance


For the past two decades, my good friend and mentor Gerhard Gschwandtner (if you don’t know who he is, you’re not in sales) has been investigating the thought patterns of successful people and how to replicate them.

In the process, he’s created a fascinating and (it seems to me) quite useful model of how beliefs (or mindsets, as he calls them) ultimately determine our actions. He sees the brain operating like a pyramid with three levels:

I – Word Understanding

Fascinating– extremely interesting

II – Have Your Say

A. How to train your brain for high performance

• Implanted mindsets
• Imprinted mindsets-.
• Inspired mindsets
• Amp up your performance
B. Using that principle, the following “worksheet” will help you focus and channel all three levels of your mind so you can perform at a higher level:

Implanted Mindset
• What belief that I had since I was a child has proven the most useful?
• What belief that I had since I was a child has held me back the most?
• What can I do, today, to reinforce and strengthen the useful belief?
• What can I do, today, to expunge and eliminate the dysfunctional belief?
Imprinted Mindset
• What three books have influenced me the most?
• What three experiences have taught me the most?
• What can I do, today, to strengthen the beliefs I acquired?
• Given my current goals, who are the three best mentors (authors, experts, consultants) who can help me grow?
Inspired Mindset
• If I could do anything and knew that I could not fail, it would be?
• What is holding me back from following that inspiration?
• What parts of my life are leading me toward that inspiration?
• What is my plan to transition to following that inspiration?

501 How to train your brain for high performance