507 What Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Other Highly Successful People Do on the Weekends


Time to unwind

For some, the weekend is a sacred retreat from the hustle and bustle of our busy work lives.

For others, the weekend is a myth — Saturday and Sunday are mere extensions of the workweek and a chance to get ahead of the competition.

Judging from the various ways highly successful people spend their (at least theoretical) time away from work, we can conclude that there really is no right or wrong way to structure your weekends — it’s all about striking the right balance for you.

I – Word Understanding
Unwind – to relax
Hustle and bustle – a large amount of activity or work usually in a noisy surrounding
Myth – an old story or belief but is not true

II – Have Your Say
1. Describe your ideal weekend or “unwind” day. Are you able to do it on a regular basis?
2. Here’s how some super-successful people spend their weekends. What do you think?
1. Elon Musk (Tesla) – hangs out with his 5 sons but occasionally sends email when he’s not directly interacting with them.
2. Jack Dorsey (Twitter) – spends Saturdays for hiking and Sundays for reflection, feedback and getting ready for the coming week.
3. Rachel Maddow (political analyst) – ditches her Manhattan apartment and spends her weekends in the countryside for a much needed mental reset.
4. Bill Gates – is a bit more mellow now (compared to his workaholic days), spends weekend for some old-fashioned fun (e.g. watch her daughter ride horses)

506 What Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Other Highly Successful People Do on the Weekends