602 10 Best Jobs for Seniors

There are several jobs to choose from when making the decision to work after you’ve reached the traditional age of retirement. Here are ten in-demand jobs for those who want to continue working well into your golden years.

1. Administrative assistant
2. Dog walker
3. Caregiver
4. Tax preparer
5. Virtual assistant
6. Grant writer
7. Consultant or advisor
8. Children’s tutor
9. Customer service driver
10. Sales associate

I – Word Understanding
Tax preparer – one who calculates, files and signs tax return in behalf of individuals or
Virtual assistant – one who provides professional administrative, technical or creative
assistance to clients
Grant writer – one who completes application process for funding/grant

II – Have Your Say

1. What do you think of the jobs listed above?
2. What are the common jobs for seniors in your area?
3. What job/s would you consider doing when you reach retirement age?
4. What are the privileges that seniors enjoy around you?
5. Which part of your country is most suited for seniors who are still active?

602 10 Best Jobs for Seniors